
Reese Witherspoon summary

Reese Witherspoon photo
 Name: Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon
 Birthday: 22 March 1976.
 Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
 Nationality: American.
 Famous for: 
  • This Means War (2012); 
  • Water for Elephants (2011); 
  • Just Like Heaven (2005); 
  • Walk the Line (2005); 
  • Legally Blonde (2001); 
  • American Psycho (2000); 
  • Cruel Intentions (1999).
  • Academy Awards: Walk the Line (2005);
  • Golden Globes: Walk the Line (2005). 
 Twitter account: Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon biography

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Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo Reese Witherspoon photo